Criminalization of insurance fraud against the background of Polish and Norwegian legal order

Marcin Sadowski


The need to protect material possessions is determined by the fact that they present high real value. This is done by expensive and often compulsory insurance. The obligatory nature and high price of individual insurance products in recent years have become one of the motives for committing crimes referred to in criminal law as insurance fraud, insurance frauds or insurance crimes. For being subject to stipulation in the legislator’s intention, which results from art. 298 § 1 of the Penal Code, is to make an event located at the place and time which is the basis for payment of damages, which, taking into account the actual circumstances of the event, would be undue. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of Polish and Norwegian code regulations regarding insurance fraud for the purposes of demonstrating differences and similarities between them, taking into account the social aspect of the assurance of crime in both countries. To achieve this goal, the following assumptions were made: regulations regarding the crime of insurance fraud contained in the Polish and Norwegian Code, are complete and provide effective protection in the event of an insurance fraud crime; insurance fraud is significant in terms of the social perception of its commitment, which is determined by social and economic factors.


criminal law, economic crimes, frauds, insurance, insurance fraud

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Date of publication: 2023-05-24 09:39:05
Date of submission: 2018-10-09 17:29:18


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