Janus’s face of a state and modern metaphors of a statehood

Teresa Łoś-Nowak


The article provides through analysis of complexity of a state and (un)changeability of its attributes. On the one hand, it is based on a neo-realist theory of IR , and on the other hand it draws on communitarianism, assuming that a state, sovereignty, power and even a state of anarchy in international relations can effectively function and contribute to the global society under certain conditions. The aim of the article is to define the challenges and threats for a state in the international system and in the system of international relations, as well as to show how it has been developing. The author deconstructs and reexamines a state and state attributes on an ontological level, and also takes up epistemological issues on how to explain the fact that, despite the changes in the designations of state and statehood, state is still an important element of the international system.



state, attributes of the state, foreign policy, metaphors of international order and state, theory of international relations

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/teka.2017.12.2.105
Date of publication: 2018-09-17 14:22:18
Date of submission: 2018-09-17 13:36:22


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