“Hostility” in the Policy Discourse of Felipe Calderón

Aleksandra Jargiełło


Hostility is a type of attitude, which is directed to specific entities that can be perceived and defined in a different way. This article is an attempt to analyze the discourse of the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón in the context of the so-called “drug war”. The author primarily focused on factors that were the premises of hostility in the discourse and on the way in which this hostility was created by the president. The organised crime groups as a main enemy in Felipe Calderón’s discourse is the topic of this research. The assumption was supplied with two research questions. First, were drug cartels a real (objective) or unreal (subjective) enemy? Second, did the president treat drug cartels as an internal or external enemy? The factor analysis and discourse analysis of president’s statements are the main research methods.


hostility, enemy, policy discourse, Felipe Calderón, organized crime, drug cartels

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/teka.2019.14.1.179-190
Date of publication: 2020-03-17 20:31:03
Date of submission: 2019-07-16 19:26:03


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