Prospects for decentralization in Ukraine: the experience of Poland

Iryna Kostetska


This article is an overview of local government reform processes in Ukraine. We focus on two key issues - the current state of decentralization and the problems of its further implementation. It is necessary to ensure a decentralization process that includes legislation, organization and society at the same time. We paid special attention to the process of creation of amalgamated territorial communities and highlighted its advantages and future risks. We also analysed such issues as local budget revenue in the context of decentralization of financial resources, problems of creating the financial base of local communities. Finally, the regional features of the association of territorial communities and problems with shaping the basic level of local self-government in Ukraine were analysed. 


decentralization, local government, amalgamated territorial communities, reform of local government

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Date of publication: 2021-10-06 12:27:14
Date of submission: 2019-12-08 20:51:32


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