Architecture of policy decision-making in modern Russia in the context of the presidential vertical power Vladimir Putin

Denis Sosunov


The article considers the main features of the architecture of political decisionmaking in modern Russia in the context of the presidential vertical of power V.V. Putin in terms of possible methodological approaches for their analysis and research. The political and psychological characteristic of the decision-making style of the President of the Russian Federation as the dominant subject in the process of forming the political agenda and its main development trends are considered. Non-traditional tools of influence on the mechanism of transformation of the agenda on the Internet are analyzed. In particular, crowdsourcing technologies, the practice of creating petitions and the blogosphere.


political decision making, decision making style, political agenda, formation trends, crowdsourcing, petitions, blogosphere, modern Russia


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Date of publication: 2019-12-23 10:11:07
Date of submission: 2019-12-22 20:42:58


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