Democracy and socio-economic scores of development: qualitative comparative analysis and Russian case

Daria Shcheglova


The author deals with the question of the interrelation between democracy and socioeconomic indicators. Author gives a new look at the classical hypothesis of S. Lipset about the dependence of socio-economic development and democracy. Using the method of qualitative comparative research and index analysis; it was noted that the components of the quality of public administration are crucial in the case of Russia and a number of other countries. It is concluded that the pace of economic development does not have a significant impact on the development of democracy; the factor of involving the population in government is crucial for maintaining democracy and reducing the protest potential.


Qualitative comparative analysis, democracy, Russia, socio-economic development, public administration



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Date of publication: 2019-12-23 10:11:10
Date of submission: 2019-12-22 22:14:53


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