Selected social problems of rural areas in political thought of Wincent Witos

Ewelina Podgajna


The article concerns some social problems in rural areas with particular emphasis on education and the situation of people in rural areas. The intent was also to show the living conditions and the difficulties faced by inhabitants of rural areas. With a wide range of rights Wincenty Witos devoted much attention to education. The most conscious part of the rural population understood that one of the causes of social impairment peasants was their little access to education. Therefore, programs of peasant political parties resounded loudly demands the democratization of education be free education and support for young people who wants to educate the indigent. Poland received the legacy of a large number of illiterates. According to the census in 1921, illiteracy concerned about 38% of the rural population, sources of the political thought of Witos were centered around several reasons. First, this was due to the situation peasants and rural Poland were in. Second, education played a significant role in socio-political transformations. This provided people with a chance for social advancement and has sparked national consciousness and a sense of nationality. With the democratization of education, peasants could consciously participate in the life of the state, educate the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and citizenship. Witos considered education and culture as the basis for the strength of the state and welfare of its citizens. This enabled an impact on the political affairs of the country and the implementation of obligations to the homeland.


political thought, Wincenty Witos, rural areas, peasant movements

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Date of publication: 2020-02-05 10:47:13
Date of submission: 2020-01-23 19:05:39


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