Literary and literary-humorous magazines in camps for interned soldiers of the Army of the UPR in Poland (1921–1923): the specifics and features of the publication

Yuliia Holubnycha-Shlenchak


With the signing in 1921 of the Riga Peace Treaty between Poland and the RSFSR, the political leadership of the UPR had no reason to hope for Warsaw’s active support in the fight against Bolshevism. Being trapped in difficult conditions of internment in Polish camps, Ukrainian soldiers needed psychological support and communication, and these tasks were fulfilled by the camp periodicals. Some of these magazines were literary and literary-humorous. The article based on an analysis of the works of Polish and Ukrainian researchers of the given period, as well as a corpus of archival sources provide a qualitative and quantitative description of the periodicals published in the camps in 1921–1923. The journals represent a special type of camp periodicals, since they contain information about various aspects of the daily life of the internees and information about the moral and psychological state of the warriors. In addition, these works are excellent examples of military literary work. The editorial boards of camp newspapers and magazines made a significant contribution to the cause of rallying the interned Ukrainian army and its national-patriotic education. The publishing activities of interned Ukrainian soldiers in the Polish camps is an important source for the study on many aspects of the life of Ukrainian emigration, namely, political, economic, educational, cultural, etc.


newspapers, magazine, interned, camp, Poland, UPR Army, Wadowice, Kalisz



„Oko”, 22 travnya 1921, Kolehiya 2-oyi Volyns’koyi strilets’koyi dyviziyi, Kalish, № 17, 20 s.

„Oko”, 5 chervnya 1921, Kolehiya 2-oyi Volyns’koyi strilets’koyi dyviziyi, Kalish, № 19, 20 s.

„Sych”, 12 lyutoho 1921, 7-ma strilets’ka bryhada, Kalish, № 2, 26 s.

„Sych”, 28 sichnya 1921, 7-ma strilets’ka bryhada, Kalish, № 1, 20 s.

„Veselka”, veresen’ 1922, Kalish, № 5, 34 s.

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Date of publication: 2020-02-05 10:47:09
Date of submission: 2020-01-31 17:40:49


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