The social and educational role of the folk theater in the Second Polish Republic

Ewelina Podgajna


The folk theater was an extraordinary phenomenon in the cultural life of the Second Polish Republic, with a huge range of influence, diversified geography and organizational affiliation. It was a manifestation of the spiritual needs of the inhabitants of the Polish countryside as well as an important instrument of influencing the peasants. It became a factor accelerating the formation of political and national consciousness of peasants, an important school of patriotic and civic education. An important goal of folk theaters was to activate the rural community in their own environment. As a rule, calls were made for social but also political activity, association in popular organizations, cooperatives, women's organizations, and encouraged to exercise civil rights. The presented performances built a varied narrative and setting: from counseling, through praise of independence, awakening peasant dignity, to patriotic civic attitude. The folk theater contributed to the development of economic life, positively influenced the moral attitude of the young generation, stimulated concern for the aesthetic appearance of buildings and the entire village, and expressed concern for the improvement of the hygienic and health situation of the rural population. Upbringing which took into account sanitary culture and popularizing knowledge about health through theater was of particular importance in this respect. The opinion was expressed that anti-hygiene behavior resulted from the lack of knowledge and appropriate habits, therefore these matters were eagerly mentioned in the performances. Therefore, with the help of folk theaters, multidirectional social and educational activities were carried out in the field of popularizing culture in the countryside, as well as education in the field of economic, social and political issues.


People’s theater, amateur artistic movement, peasant movement, interwar period

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Date of publication: 2022-01-16 11:27:49
Date of submission: 2022-01-15 22:17:57


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