Eastern Europe as the epicenter of geopolitical compounds

Григорий Перепелица


The trends in the global system of international relations towards to multipolarity have opened a window of opportunity for Russia to regain the status of the world power and regain control over Eastern Europe, without which Russians do not represent the future of their country. The article shows the role of Eastern Europe in the resurgent geopolitical confrontation between Russia and the West. The author describes Russia’s plans, which are aimed at destroying the existing world order and restoring geopolitical domination in Europe. As stated in the article, such a revanchist policy of Russia is particularly dangerous for the countries of New Eastern Europe. By joining the “New Eastern Europe”, Russia can continue its further geopolitical offensive to Central Europe from this strategic position and impose its own normative force on Western Europe. The author also assesses and forecasts the negative consequences of Russia’s geopolitical offensive to the West as well as the threats it poses for the European security.


Eastern Europe, geopolitical offensive of Russia, multipolarity, strategic position, world power, balance of power, European civilization, buffer zone



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Интернет источники:

Пять ходов Кремля. Чего ждать от Путина, — американский профессор, http://news.eizvestia.com/news_politics/full/523-pyat-hodov-kremlya-chego-zhdat-ot-putinaamerikanskij- professor, access: 24.07.2015.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/we.2017.3.2.53
Date of publication: 2018-07-20 12:05:29
Date of submission: 2018-07-20 10:19:20


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