Nationality and language in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Jakub Forst-Battaglia


Before the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was one of the largest European countries inhabited by a dozen of ethnic groups who spoke several languages. A language issue was one of the challenges for the Monarchy after the “national awakening“ under the influence of the Spring of Nations and changes in society. For a long time, political thinkers of different nationalities discussed various proposals to the Monarchy reform so as it would save its unity and satisfy everyone. Maintaining of this heterogeneous entity by creating a certain balance of forces, taking into account the aspirations of different language groups, was very difficult. In the “Austrian“ part of the Monarchy, reigns were based on a pluralistic ethnic policy, strengthening rather than weakening political stability. In the “Hungarian“ part, despite the preached rules of far-reaching tolerance, in fear of majorization by the Slavic and Romanian elements, “Magyarization“ was carried out, which pushed the role of regional languages to the significance of local dialects. Wrong language and nationality policy carried out by Hungary resulted in the loss of two-thirds of its territory. However, with all its disadvantages, the Monarchy was the first model of a wider “European home“ in the modern times. Old Austria can be an example of both right and wrong attempts of approaching social, ethnic or religious problems and is an inexhaustible material for scientific research.


Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, multinational state, language policy

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Date of publication: 2018-07-20 12:05:38
Date of submission: 2018-07-20 11:58:58


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