Current Trends in Communication Security

Сергей Даниленко, Юлия Нестеряк, Марина Гринчук


Authors claim that in the modern information field one should differentiate between communication and information security. These two types are distinguished by the dominance of the human factor, as far as communication security is concerned. A technical component of the distribution, preservation and protection of information is of the secondary importance. Nevertheless, it becomes relevant when we talk about information security, which has a tendency to closed space. Authors claim that for a person, society and state it is much more dangerous when a destructive communicative influence forces an individual (user) to take active actions, which are dangerous both for himself and for others. The first doctrinal trend in the field of communication security is the inevitable further separation of communication and information (with a dominant cyber security) security, based on human nature, its physiological, psychological and intellectual features. Authors claim that the second direction, which will be actively discussed and to which the efforts of states, society and the individual will be applied, is the problem of increasing disinformation that came after the milder threat of communicative security – post-truth. And the third tendency in the field of communication security is the impossibility of overcoming or completely neutralizing the negative consequences of the action of institutionally produced, purposeful disinformation. Even with the current development of the means and methods of disseminating of information both individually and en masse, neutralization can only be partial. Therefore, the least consequences of the impact of destructive information, in other words, the effective communication security will be possible if the “informational health” of a person, society and the state is ensured by their common efforts.


communicative security, information security, cyber security, disinformation, emotional content, confirming prejudice, convergent society, cognitivism, narrative


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Date of publication: 2019-06-27 07:23:41
Date of submission: 2019-06-26 13:29:24


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