Constructions with Predicatives for Psychological States in the Bulgarian Language – Nomenclature and Differential Characteristics

Maxim Stamenov


The study attempts to classify the possibilities for predicative constructions in the Bulgarian language from the semantic standpoint. The scope of the analysis are predicative constructions denoting internal experiences interpreted in Bulgarian as psychological states (and not processes, activities, etc.). Three main points of reference serve as a springboard for the analysis: (1) Predicative constructions are chosen as a research goal. (2) Semantic description operates along the lines of the thematic role of the Experiencer as long as it meets the criteria for constructions with predicatives for psychological states. (3) The place and the role of case relations, and in particular their markedness concerning clitics, are considered exemplary of a syncretic grammatical category at the morphology-syntax-semantics interface, thus playing a significant role in liaising the specifics of the construction under scrutiny at all levels of form and function. Special attention is paid to the role of the thematic and type-of-action (Vendlerian) classification of predicates and predicatives capable of entering into the constructions used for expressing psychological states of the Experiencer.


Bulgarian language, constructions, cases, clitics, semantic roles, predicatives for states, predicates and predicatives for psychological experiences


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Date of publication: 2021-12-12 15:48:10
Date of submission: 2021-12-12 00:07:06


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