The Categories of GOOD and BAD in the Modern Bulgarian Language Based on the Notions of ORDER, ORDERLINESS and DISORDER, CHAOS

Miroslava Varbanova Vatova


The paper deals with the concepts of GOOD and BAD as reflected in the Bulgarian lexical system within the framework of the Cognitive Metaphor Theory, developed by Lakoff and Johnson. The study claims that the concepts of GOOD and BAD are undoubtedly grounded in human experience but are conceptualized by means of metaphors as such concepts do not exist objectively in the physical world but result from human understanding of it. The cognitive metaphors discussed in the paper are studied with reference to human understanding of order, orderliness and disorder, chaos in the world.


cognitive metaphor, image schemata, figure and ground, GOOD and BAD, ORDER and DISORDER, ORDERLINESS and CHAOS


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Date of publication: 2019-12-05 09:02:07
Date of submission: 2019-06-16 20:29:53


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