The Topoi of Offenders and Victims in Christa Wolf’s Patterns of Childhood and Tadeusz Borowski’s Music in Herzenburg. The Problem of Dealing with the Second World War in Polish and German Literature

Wioleta Wieczerniak


The paper presents a comparative study of Polish and German literature concerning the Second Word War. Christa Wolf’s Patterns of Childhood and Tadeusz Borowski’s Music in Herzenburg were analysed. The author chose the typological model of comparative literature. The article highlights the differences in war experiences present in Polish and German memories. A lot of attention is given to the topoi of the offenders and victims, which have changed over the last few decades. The plots of both texts are briefly outlined. The issue in question was discussed by Wolf and Borowski in difficult political conditions. Both writers attempted at confronting themselves and their generations with the Nazi era and raising the issue of Polish and German collective memory. In some way, Borowski and Wolf were precursors of the discussion of the attitudes towards the responsibility for the War crimes. Christa Wolf does not lie about the times of National Socialism and does not remain silent about the responsibility of the so-called Mitläufer. She also aims at fighting the myth of “good” East Germans and “bad” West Germans. Borowski, in turn, tries to improve German-Polish relations undermined by the difficult experiences of the 20th century.


literature; The Second World War; “offenders – victims” topos

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Date of publication: 2016-06-22 08:40:12
Date of submission: 2016-06-21 10:58:09


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