Eschatological Contents in the Epitaphs from the Old Jewish Cemetery in Lublin

Andrzej Trzciński


The main source for this article are 283 Hebrew epitaphs from the old Jewish cemetery in Lublin from the years 1541-1830 (since the oldest known inscription till the closing of the cemetery), collected by the author from preserved tombstones. Moreover, the author also studied those epigraphs that did not survive till our times but could be reconstructed from photographs and copies made by different scholars since mid-nineteenth century. In the introductory part the author briefly discusses eschatological concepts, developed in Judaism over the millennia, and presents relevant terminology used in epitaphs. In the main body of the article he conducts an analysis of eschatological contents from the collected epitaphs distinguishing such categories as: 1) demise; 2) posthumous fate of the body; 3) fate of the soul after the death of the body; 4) intercession; 5) end times; 6) commemorating the dead; 7) consolation; 8) understanding of eternity; 9) expressions for heaven, God and His messengers. While analysing particular concepts within the categories mentioned above, the author focuses on their origin, frequency of usage within the discussed group of epitaphs, and literal or contextual meaning, and illustrates the selected examples with expressions from epitaphs. In the conclusion he states that authors of the epitaphs drew motifs that contain eschatological contents from various sources, including the Hebrew Scriptures, rabbinical literature (especially the Talmud), prayers, and, finally, cabbalistic works. References to the latter dominate in the epitaphs, particularly in the versions popular among common people. 


Lublin, Jewish cemetery, Hebrew epitaphs, eschatology

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Date of publication: 2018-01-15 13:58:39
Date of submission: 2016-03-31 10:52:37


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