Tourist Use of Buildings Crossed by National Borders – Three Case Studies: the Haskell Free Library and Opera House, the Arbez Hotel and the Purtschellerhaus Mountain Hut

Marek Więckowski


The aim of the paper is to show the meaning and symbolism of the state border crossing individual buildings. To achieve this goal, three facilities were selected, located in different parts of the world: two in Europe (including one on the internal EU border – the Purtschellerhaus mountain hut, and the other on a specific, external border – the Arbez Hotel) and one in North America (the Haskell Free Library and Opera House). The main two methods used in the study were literature analysis and field research (in 2017–2019, at least one unstructured in-depth interview was conducted in each of the facilities). An additional element was also the analysis of the content of websites of the researched objects and available marketing materials. It was found that among many objects – of a different scale and importance – crossing the state border, small point objects have local significance. Their belonging to two countries shows the specificity of international relations on a microscale. These facilities are of great importance in shaping cross-border relations, they are important centers of local culture and important tourist attractions.


tourist attractions; border; hotel; mountain hut; library

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Date of publication: 2021-11-29 17:06:50
Date of submission: 2021-06-06 18:42:16


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