New palaeobotanical data from the Ferdynandów 2011 profile in the stratotype site

Irena Agnieszka Pidek, Renata Stachowicz-Rybka, Marcin Żarski


The new drilling, made in 2011 in the Ferdynandovian interglacial stratotype site in Ferdynandów near Kock (E Poland) allows to carry out high resolution palaeobotanical analyses (including palynological and plant macrofossils ones). The results of the analyses are presented and interpreted against the background of the earlier partition of the ferdynandovian succession (acc. to Janczyk-Kopikowa 1975). A particular attention was paid to the similarity of succession derived from the profile Ferdynandów 2011 with those from neighboring sites in Łuków and Zdany. Very clearly it outlines the division of the three analyzed profiles of the ferdynandovian succession into two distinct interglacials separated by a sediment section bearing the record of the succession typically glacial with its stadial-interstadial oscillations. In the light of the new data from the Ferdynandów 2011 profile, it is clear that the division which was first used by Mamakowa (1996), applies to all ferdynandovian successions in Poland, if only two warm periods were registered in them (formerly known as two climate optima). The warm units in the Ferdynandów 2011 succession correspond to climatostratigraphic units Ferdynandovian 1 and 2, and the cold unit – to Ferdynandovian 1/2 (Lindner et al. 2004). The whole ferdynandovian succession s.l. correlates with the Cromerian complex in the early Middle Pleistocene of Western Europe stratigraphy (Cromerian II Westerhoven and Cromerian III Rosmalen) and marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 13–15. The new geological and palaeobotanical data allowed to reconstruct the functioning of interglacial lake and its palaeogeographic context on the stratotype site and its evolution.


Ferdynandovian pollen succession, Early-Middle Pleistocene, MIS 13–15, palynostratigraphy, Ferdynandów, E Poland

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Date of publication: 2015-06-30 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2018-04-06 12:16:06


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