Divided Ukrainian Historical Remembrance

Beata Varga


This text analyzes the reasons for the formation of a divided Ukrainian historical remembrance. One must stress out that it is in fact the “interpretation of its national history that divides Ukrainians in the first place”. As regards the East Ukrainians, being closely linked to Russians, Ukrainian identity can be seen as being continually in a state of “belatedness”, hence the Soviet version of historical remembrance emerged. In Western-Ukraine, the territories of which were only taken-over by the Soviet Union in 1945, a sovereign historical image independent to the Russian had taken shape. Finally, in the central region of Ukraine, Russian-speaking intellectuals of Russian culture were forced to, in order to strengthen their position, prove their “Ukraineness”.


historical remembrance; “divided history”; “large and powerful nation”; “Ukraine-Rus"; “derussification”; sovereign historical image; “national history”; teleology; the “Cossack state”; “Nation’s Father”; “legitimization” of history; “civilizational peri

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/bc.2020.5.113-122
Date of publication: 2020-12-30 15:01:52
Date of submission: 2020-07-05 09:16:05


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