Women’s rights in the light of the programmes of the victorious political parties in Poland’s 2019 parliamentary elections

Magdalena Lesińska-Staszczuk


Women’s rights in the 21st century are an ever-present issue in public debate and are often reflected in the electoral programmes of individual political parties. Both the right and the left side of the political scene promise equal rights of women and men in public life, counteraction of discrimination in respect of employment, support for families and provision of adequate health care. Upon examining the programmes of the parties that won representation in the 2019 parliamentary elections in Poland, it should be stated that the majority did address so-called women’s issues. Included in the portfolio of most party platforms were ways and means of dealing with such problems as: childcare, female health, equal pay for the same work irrespective of one’s sex, equal share of women and men in positions of public authority and effective counters to domestic violence.


women’s rights, anti-discrimination, party programmes, parliamentary election in Poland

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/bc.2019.4.0.39-52
Date of publication: 2019-12-28 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2019-11-13 15:41:14


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