Stories Behind Words of Emotions: Ways to Assess the 1076 Kyivan Literary Monument in Contemporary Ukrainian and English Translations

Taras Shmiher


The author discusses emotion terms through the prism of interlingual and intralingual translation. The prototype analysis applied expands the lexicographic interpretation of emotion terms by involving the reader’s psychological experience. The model of a sociological analysis of emotions by J.E. Stets and J.H. Turner reveals how dictionaries influence users’ mentality, and what is the correlation of the semantic features described in the dictionary and those present in the original. The presented descriptive criteria will stimulate approaches in search of guidelines for further evaluative interpretation and of emotion terms.


translation quality assessment; emotion terms; emotion of joy; emotion of sadness; Old Ukrainian

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Date of publication: 2019-01-13 11:07:20
Date of submission: 2018-04-10 18:07:05


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