O semantyce, życiu i kulturze akademickie rozmowy z Anną Wierzbicką: Helen Bromhead i Zhengdao Ye (red.), Meaning, Life and Culture: In Conversation with Anna Wierzbicka, Canberra: Anu Press, 2020, xviii + 515 s.

Adam Głaz


Recenzja książki: Helen Bromhead i Zhengdao Ye (red.), Meaning, Life and Culture: In Conversation with Anna Wierzbicka, Canberra: Anu Press, 2020, xviii + 515 s.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/et.2022.34.357
Date of publication: 2022-09-30 20:08:37
Date of submission: 2022-03-31 10:26:40


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