Photography Releasing Reality. Photographic Inventory of the World

Kamil Stępień


The article focuses on presenting the most important scientific, social and cultural ideas emphasizing the significance of images, especially photographs, in human life, as well as their specificity. The meaning of a photograph as a document, work of art, and scientific research material was presented. The matter of visual document message strength was addressed, including photographs, as well as the manner of organizing them and the fact that photography records reality in an extremely detailed way, the history of photography was described in the context of the development of new research methods in science. The idea of documentary photography was presented, as well as the principles of photographic communication, psychological and philosophic factors making people record the reality they live in.


photography, documentary photography, meaning of the pictures, interpretation of photography, history of photography, photography as a research method, photographic communication, visual interpretation

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Date of publication: 2019-05-24 09:14:39
Date of submission: 2018-11-20 13:33:29


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