The Transformation of Special Legal Regimes in Hungary in the Light of Crises

Marcell Fényes, Lili Luca Gönczi, Natália Velez, János Pribelszki, Milán Tamás Kis-Bakos, Kata Budai


In our study, we present the new amendments to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, which significantly broaden the definition of a state of danger. The reason for the amendment is the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which has led to a humanitarian situation unprecedented since the Second World War and has changed the economic situation in Europe. The aim is essentially to be able to develop effective, rapid national responses to the consequences of international economic changes. The amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary allows the Government to declare a state of danger in the event of war, armed conflict, or humanitarian disaster in a neighboring country so that all necessary means are available to assist, support and accommodate people fleeing the situation and to prevent the adverse economic effects of the situation and mitigate the consequences. The study describes in detail the changes to the concept of the state of danger following the amendments of the Fundamental Law of Hungary and also when the emergency was introduced in practice. The authors also draw attention to the reasons for the Tenth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary and present other types of special legal orders.


state of danger; special legal orders; amendment; crises

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Act CXXVIII of 2011 on the disaster management and amending certain related acts.

Act LVII of 2020 on the termination of the state of danger.

Act LVIII of 2020 on the transitional measures related to the termination of the state of danger and on epidemiological preparedness.

Act LIX of 2020 on the special economic zone and amending certain related acts.

Act VI of 2022 on dealing with the consequences in Hungary of an armed conflict or humanitarian disaster in a neighboring country.

General explanation of the Tenth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary.

Government Decree 40/2020 (III.11.) on the declaration of state of danger.

Government Decree No. 136/2020 (IV.17.) on the designation of a special economic zone in the municipality of Göd.

Government Decree No. 479/2020 (XI.3.) on additional security measures to be applied during the state of danger.

Government Decree No. 484/2020 (XI.10.) on the second phase of protection measures to be applied during the state of danger.

Government Decree No. 27/2021 (I.29.) on the declaration of a state of danger and the entry into force emergency measures.

Government Decree No. 144/2021 (III.27.) on the first stage of the phased lifting of security measures.

Government Decree No. 264/2021 (V.21.) amending government decrees regulating security measures to be applied during the state of danger with regard to the fifth stage of the phased lifting of security measures.

Government Decree No. 180/2022 (V.24.) on the declaration of a state of danger and certain emergency rules in view of an armed conflict or humanitarian disaster in Ukraine and in order to avert the consequences thereof in Hungary.

Government Decree No. 181/2022 (V.24.) on the lifting of the state of danger declared by Government Decree 27/2021 (I.29.) on the declaration of a state of danger and the entry into force of emergency measures.

Government Decree No. 246/2022 (VII.8.) on simplification of certain social security benefits for Ukrainian citizens during the state of danger.

Government Decree No. 247/2022 (VII.11.) on the duration of public employment during the state of danger.

Date of publication: 2023-07-17 10:54:03
Date of submission: 2023-04-27 19:48:37


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