Development of the Civil Solidarity Pact in French Law against the Comparative Background of European Countries

Kinga Mozgiel-Wiecha


The concept of a relationship between two people has begun to change over the years in French legislation. In the 1990s, more and more European countries responded with appropriate regulations to the demands of same-sex couples who wanted to enter into formal and legally accepted unions. At that time, French legislation indicated that both the concept of marriage and family were reserved for heterosexual couples. However, the need to legalize same-sex unions was noted, and the creation of the civil solidarity pact (Pacte civil de solidarité, PACS) in 1999 was a response to social needs. It allowed the persons who entered into it to inherit from each other and to be jointly responsible for their debts. The introduction of the civil solidarity pact has also raised the question of what a relationship between two people is: a contract or a form of institution.


PACS; same-sex couples; civil solidarity pact; French legislation

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Date of publication: 2024-01-10 16:43:25
Date of submission: 2023-10-29 19:48:25


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