Poena est noxae vindicta. Retribution as a rationalization of punishment in Roman kingship, republic and principate era

Bartosz Zalewski, Andrzej Chmiel


The presented study concerns the issue of retributive rationalization (function, justification) of punishment in Roman law – from its semi-legendary beginnings to the end of the principate. The understanding of the penalty as a fair repayment for the evil caused and constituting a peculiar substitute for revenge (personal or family) was characteristic for many ancient communities. Also at the beginning of Roman statehood, the main purpose of punishment was not to scare the perpetrators, as a form of prevention, but a fair repayment (retaliation) for the harm caused (poena est noxae vindicta).

During the royal period, attempts to limit the phenomenon of private bloody revenge took place, as exemplified by the legislation of king Numa Pompilius regarding the effects of unintentional murder of a free man. An important manifestation of the restriction of the phenomenon of private bloody revenge turned out to be adapted by the Romans the law of talion. However, already in the Law of the Twelve Tables, the Quirites provided the possibility of withdrawing from talion to settlement. In the period of the republic, talion came out of use.

During the period of classical law, the Roman jurisprudence continued to maintain the current attitude of the Romans to the retributive function of a criminal penalty, and the idea of the talion understood as “just repayment for the committed act”, was still alive in its views, and in some imperial constitutions. The retributive rationalization of the criminal penalty was mainly realized in the order to measure it pro admissi criminis qualitate by the judge in extra ordinem cognitio.


Roman criminal law; functions of punishment; justice; revenge; retribute

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/g.2024.71.3.181-200
Date of publication: 2024-12-09 22:20:04
Date of submission: 2024-05-07 16:41:10


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