Punishment of attempt in the light of Decisiones Lituanicae by Pedro Ruiz de Moros

Marzena Dyjakowska


A Spanish lawyer Pedro Ruiz de Moros, in Poland known as Rojzjusz, born about 1505 in Alcañiz, after his legal studies in Spain and Italy went to Poland in 1541 and lectured on Roman law at Cracow Academy. In 1551 he moved to Vilnius and became the judge of the royal court of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was then that his most famous work was written – Decisiones (…) de rebus in sacro auditorio Lituanico ex appellatione iudicatis, a collection of comments on the assessor’ court’s judgments. In the third judgment the author paid his attention to the issue of punishability of an attempt. After presenting arguments for and against punishing attempts, illustrated by the sources of Roman law, the author concluded that attempts to commit only serious crimes should be punished.


Pedro Ruiz de Moros; Decisiones Lituanicae; the assessor’s court of Grand Duchy of Lithuania; punishability of an attempt

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/g.2024.71.3.123-137
Date of publication: 2024-12-09 22:19:56
Date of submission: 2024-05-08 15:22:31


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