Theoretical Model of Public Law Crime (crimen publicum) by Claudius Saturninus (D. 48.19.16) and the Modern Concept of Criminal Offence

Krzysztof Amielańczyk


The Romans did not develop the science of the criminal offence, yet they attempted to describe the nature and characteristic features of public law crime. According to the Justinian sources, the jurist who made such an attempt was Claudius Saturninus. He distinguished between crimes based mainly on the manner of committing the crime, thus following the same direction as contemporary science when it examines the so-called criminal modus operandi. He made his distinction in a quite original, two-stage manner. First, the jurist made a fourfold division (quattuor genera) of crimes, based on a criterion similar to the criterion of form that is adopted for legal actions in the area of private law. According to the jurist, crimes could be committed in the form of facta, dicta, scripta or consilia. This quattuor genera system of forms and manners of committing crimes was then followed by a more detailed division of circumstances involved in the type of the criminal offence. In this way, Claudius Saturninus enumerated seven elements of the (almost exclusively) objective aspect of the crime: causa, persona, locus, tempus, qualitas, quantitas and eventus. The jurist illustrated all manners and circumstances of committing a criminal offence with examples.


public law crime; Roman penal law; Claudius Saturninus

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Date of publication: 2019-07-17 08:29:20
Date of submission: 2018-03-19 08:31:35


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