Professionalization of Mediation Activities (Selected Issues in Perspective of the Polish Legal Order)

Andrzej Korybski


The 2015 amendments to the acts regulating mediation in the Polish legal order have intensified a trend of professionalization of mediator’s activities. Although the possibility for the parties to choose ad hoc mediator (without any professional requirements) was maintained, the amendments have introduced the so-called permanent mediator, i.e. a professionally equipped person appointed by judge to mediate in a court dispute. Entry on the list of permanent mediators kept by district courts was made conditional on showing that a mediator has the appropriate, professional knowledge and skills. Currently, such skills and knowledge can be acquired in mediation centers. These centers run professional courses and training in many aspects of mediation. They also enable professional specialization in the field of civil, commercial, family, and other types of disputes. Currently, professionally prepared mediators and judges involved in mediation proceedings are proposing the transformation of mediator’s profession into so-called regulated professions defined by a special parliamentary act on mediation and mediators. The presented article adopts an European perspective on the regulation of mediation and looks at the need for the possible transformation concerning the profession of mediator as regulated profession, as well as its limitations and the associated challenges.


mediator; legal status; professional knowledge and abilities; civil liability; professional liability

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Date of publication: 2019-07-17 08:29:29
Date of submission: 2018-06-11 11:43:07


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