Conditions for the Growth of Developers’ Activity on the Example of Poland and France

Agata Antczak-Stępniak


Theoretical background: Developers’ activity shows strong spatial diversification. These differences can be observed both between individual countries and within them - between cities. This means that developers’ activity is affected by a number of diverse factors of a national and local nature, which is also confirmed by the literature on the subject. This is a particularly important conclusion for developers operating at an international level. They have to make decisions in which country, and then in which city, development projects will bring the best results.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to identify nationwide barriers to the growth of developers’ activity, especially those that are evident in periods of recession, as well as solutions that should be taken to facilitate the functioning of such entities in Poland.

Research methods: To achieve this aim, the desk research method and comparative analysis were used. A country which, apart from Poland, has been analyzed is France.

Main findings: The conducted research showed that the main nationwide barriers to the growth of developers’ activity are insufficient purchasing power of the population resulting from the lower wealth of the Polish society, different regulations regarding the protection of buyers of developer dwellings, a smaller level of government support for both the demand and supply side of developers’ activity. Especially, the last one barrier should be taken under consideration. In the near future, due to the cyclical nature of the real estate market, a drop in demand for dwellings should be expected. Therefore, aid instruments for developers should be introduced to avoid a wave of bankruptcy. They could consist of training enabling retraining of activities into commercial or increasing the involvement of these entities in the implementation of housing for rent for people with lower incomes.


developers’ activity; comparative analysis; nationwide factors

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Date of publication: 2021-05-11 08:56:55
Date of submission: 2020-05-19 20:10:33


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