Taxation of Ownership Transfer of Property, Perpetual Usufruct Right to Land, Co-Operative Ownership Right to Residential Premises – in Quest for Optimal Legal Regulations

Wojciech Gonet


This article concerns the analysis of completing the universality principle of property ownership transfer taxation. It has been stated that many transfer of property ownership agreements are not subject of taxation under the acts of tax on civil law transactions, VAT and inheritance and gift tax, which is the result of the legislator’s will. A wide range of exemptions is included in each of the abovementioned three acts and it is the legislator’s intention that they are the subject of taxation according to these acts. The legislator narrowly defined the objective range of property transfer of ownership agreements. It has been stated that accomplishment of the universality principle of property ownership transfer taxation does not require a reform of taxation rules and, in particular, the introduction of a new tax. Adjustment changes such as updating the taxation rules of property ownership transfer by widening the range of objectives in agreements to be taxed according to tax on civil law transactions, VAT, inheritance and gift tax by eliminating some exemptions and simultaneously by reducing tax rates on property ownership transfer tax in tax on civil law transactions and inheritance and gift tax are sufficient.


tax; property; ownership transfer

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Date of publication: 2016-04-03 14:40:27
Date of submission: 2015-08-19 14:00:34


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