Gold-Based Currency System as a Competition for Debt-Based Currency System

Marek Szturo, Bogdan Włodarczyk


In ancient times, gold was already a symbol of wealth and power inaccessible to ordinary citizens. Should gold regain its position in the financial system and compete for the current currencies? The purpose of this article is to present the importance of a new gold-based currency system in the context of processes taking place in the financial system. It seems that new gold-based currency system as a competition for debt-based currency system is important when the global financial system reaches the level of debt, making it impossible to reach a consensus on the emergence of a new dominant currency. New gold-based currency system will, however, start regulatory mechanism of the real value of the existing currencies.


gold; currency; monetary system

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Date of publication: 2018-02-27 16:38:27
Date of submission: 2017-05-22 21:30:51


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