The efficiency of equity funds in Poland

Agnieszka Moskal, Danuta Zawadzka


Investment funds appeared on the Polish financial market in 1992. Over the years, we can observe the dynamic development of this form of capital investment. The key question for investors when choos- ing an investment fund is the selection of the most effective funds offered by the Investment Funds Companies (TFI). This article focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness of equity funds in the period 2005-2012, with particular emphasis on the period of the largest declines in the financial markets in 2008-2009. When assessing the effectiveness of the funds the following indicators and risk measures were used: the return rate, standard deviation and coefficient of determination. The study also used the following risk-adjusted measures: Sharpe ratio, Jensen's Alpha, the Modigliani-Modigliani measure. A thesis was postulated that during the mentioned period equity funds recorded a decrease in their ef- fectiveness. In the course of the study, the above statement was proved correct. The analysis, based on selected measures of the efficiency of investment funds, allowed to draw a conclusion that the results of Polish equity funds are characterized by approximately two-year delay in the range of impacts on the global economic crisis.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-23 19:36:30
Date of submission: 2015-05-23 11:46:09


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