Satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees of local administration - results of pilot studies

Anna Rakowska, Marzena Cichorzewska, Suzana A. Juana-Espinoza


The authors try to describe determinants of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of local government employees. On the basis of the review of literature, it can be concluded that there are a few studies in the area of commitment of public administration employee in Poland. This article consists of two parts. The fist one describes the role of job satisfaction as factor inflencing different employee organizational behaviors, and explains the relationship among job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and selected elements of motivational system. The second part presents the results of the study carried out among 146 Polish officials from the Lublin region. The results relate to the level of satisfaction and organizational commitment, and their relationships with the ten motivational factors. Conclusions are consistent with literature fidings. Polish respondents have a low level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The observed relationships of those variables with chosen elements of the motivational system indicate possibilities of changing the situation in local administration in Poland. It mostly refers to focusing on the atmosphere in workplace, and development of good relationships between managers and employees. Authors postulate the need for further research in this area.


organizational commitment; job satisfaction; Public Servant Motivation

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Date of publication: 2017-11-19 20:59:26
Date of submission: 2017-08-03 08:33:04


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