The Role of Philosophy in the Times of Crisis

Raúl Fornet-Betancourt


Nowadays the mankind is facing a crisis of political, social, cultural and anthropological spheres. This crisis is the consequence of the hegemony of our civilization’s pattern that subordinates the nature and the human being to the only logic of profit. This article poses the question of the cultural function of the philosophy in this context. The presented reflections attempt to answer this question first by explaining that philosophy should realize itself as the wisdom of serving both existence and co-existence. From this awareness comes its cultural function that can be defined as the triple task, which include not only the elements of criticism and alternative proposals to the crisis, but also the motivation or stimulation of the modern human being to become a resisting subject who engages in the fight for proper co-existence with the nature and the neighbourhood.


crisis of civilization; hegemonic society; philosophy; cultural criticism; human convivance


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Date of publication: 2016-10-06 10:30:06
Date of submission: 2016-06-05 09:38:17


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