The Narratives about Contentment in Two Generations of Digital Natives

Kalina Kosacka


The purpose of the article is to compare the narratives about contentment (zadowolenie) in individuals from two different generations of digital natives, i.e. digital natives 1.0 and digital natives 2.0. The term “digital native” refers to an individual born and raised in the digital age, with modern technologies constituting an integral part of life. Different environments, in which people of various generations grew up, determine differences, for instance, in their emotional functioning, and in the contents and structure of emotion representations developed by them. The study took into account narratives related to contentment, produced by 148 individuals representing various generations. The specificity of the representation of contentment, identified in the two generations of digital natives, was described based on the qualitative and quantitative analyses. It was shown that the narratives about contentment allows identify in digital natives a lot of information on objects, and few references to family. The narrations about contentment observed in the participants from Generation digital natives 1.0 contains little information on animals. On the other hand, representation of contentment in individuals from Generation digital natives 2.0 contains a lot of information on symptoms and synonyms, tangible values and intangible values.


contentment; emotion concepts; digital natives; positive emotions

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:03:56
Date of submission: 2020-04-19 15:53:14


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