Coping with Stress of (Non)conformist Employees

Ryszarda Ewa Bernacka


The article deals with the issue of non-conformism as employees' personal potential for innovative behaviors in the context of coping with stress. Poland belongs to the countries with the highest percentage of stressed employees in Europe. Destructive stress can destroy the potential of employees in the workplace. The main research objective was to check whether nonconformist employees are different from conformists in terms of how they deal with stress? The results of 100 employees aged 25-48 years were analyzed. The research included the Creative Behavior Questionnaire (KANH III), the Coping Orientations to Problems Experiences (COPE). The results of statistical analyses allow to conclude that conformists predominate in the group of employees occupying positions in belt-system production. These styles of coping with stress do not show statistically significant correlations with the conformism-non-conformism dimension. There are no significant differences in styles of coping with stress between workers nonconformists and conformists. Only in using one strategy of coping with stress conformists differ from nonconformists.  Non conformists use the Discontinuing Action strategy.


nonconformity; conformity; coping with stress; employee

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Date of publication: 2020-10-31 02:04:32
Date of submission: 2020-04-21 23:09:12


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