Identity and (Non)Conformism of Youth from the Voluntary Labor Corps

Marta Izabela Sterlus


The article presents an analysis of the results of own research on the state of identity dimensions, identity styles and (non)conformism of youth living in the Voluntary Labor Corps. This is an important issue due to the need to update the diagnosis and individualize interventions in this group of young people. Three questionnaires were used in the study: the Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS), the Identity Style Inventory (ISI-5) and the Creative Behavior Questionnaire (KANH III). The results of 60 girls and boys aged 16 to 18 were analyzed. Statistical analysis allows for the formulation of the following conclusions. Boys and girls did not differ in terms of their identity styles, while in terms of identity dimensions, boys achieved higher scores in terms on identity dimensions, such as Exploration in Breadth, Ruminative Exploration, Identification with Commitment, and Commitment. Moreover, girls have a higher level of (non)conformism than boys, which may suggest their greater inclination to take actions aimed at gaining attention, not always in a manner consistent with existing social rules and norms. The conducted research provides pedagogues and educators with knowledge supporting the accuracy and usefulness of activities aimed at increasing the quality of life’s start in adulthood of young people staying in the Voluntary Labor Corps.


identity; (non)conformism; youth; Volunteer Labor Corps; identity

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Date of publication: 2022-12-19 09:09:43
Date of submission: 2021-08-02 14:43:32


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