Teachers Professionalism of the Third Wave on Educational Reforms

Katarzyna Grabarek


The aim of the article is to indicate the new model of teachers professionalism, desired in the school environment, taking into account the context of the determinants as the application context. For this purpose, a critical discussion was held about the impact of the political contexts shaping the work of teachers around the world following the educational reforms. The article begins with a discussion on what is meant by “globalized times” and points to selected definitions of globalization, including its impact in the educational space. Next, it demonstrates the main paradigms of educational reforms the emerged in historical context on the international arena, reflecting the image of the three waves of the reform. Based on the obtained foundation, it has been proposed to create a model of the new professionalism of the “Third Wave” teachers as a fundamental in shaping the quality of teachers work and the functioning of the school.


teachers professionalism; new model of teachers professionalism; educational reforms; globalization

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2021.34.4.171-180
Date of publication: 2022-03-02 18:21:19
Date of submission: 2021-12-08 17:59:39


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