The Phenomenon of Resilience in Young People at Risk of Social Maladjustment and Active Participation in the Process of Art Therapy in the 21st Century – on the Example of the School TV Project

Bartłomiej Chrzanowski, Arkadiusz Prajzner


The article concerns a form of art therapy, which has found its application in work with young people at risk of social maladjustment. Putting the considerations into the concept of resilience made it possible to capture and characterize traits in youth participating in film therapy from youth not interested in participating in therapeutic classes. The research was conducted in the quantitative paradigm using the diagnostic survey method and the questionnaire technique. The Questionnaire on Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Attitudes and those Towards the World has been applied. The research was based on two questions. The first of them referred to the existence of differences in the intensity of relations with the world, oneself and other people between pupils undertaking and not taking up activity in film art therapy classes. The second research question concerned the existing intercorrelations in the areas of relations with the world, with oneself and other people in groups of charges undertaking and not undertaking activities in art therapy classes. The obtained results indicate a greater sense of resourcefulness in life, satisfactory social functioning and a higher level of physical attractiveness. The aggression noted in the research did not negatively translate into participation in the therapy.


art therapy; film therapy; resilience; social maladjustment

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American Art Therapy Association. Pobrane z: (dostęp: 7.01.2022).

Date of publication: 2022-12-19 09:09:47
Date of submission: 2022-02-21 13:17:16


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