Perfectionism and Attachment Styles vs. Types of Entering into Interpersonal Relationships

Wiktoria Gałązka, Martyna Gorczyca


The aim of the study was to answer the question whether different types of entering into interpersonal relationships are explained by different types of perfectionism and by attachment styles. The study included 169 adult people, consisting of 96 women and 73 men. The primary research tool was Wiggins’ Interpersonal Adjective Scales (IAS-R), which is a self-report method and consists of 64 items. Additionally, Plopa’s Attachment Styles Questionnaire was used to study attachment relationships and this tool consists of 24 items, as well as the Big Three Perfectionism Scale (BTSP) by Smith et al. consisting of 45 items, which is currently in the adaptation process to Polish conditions. It was assumed that different types of entering into relationships are explained by different types of perfectionism and attachment styles. The research results have shown that different types of entering into interpersonal relationships are determined by different dimensions of perfectionism. Perfectionism explains 18–30% of the variation in interpersonal relationships. It has also been proven that none of the non-secure attachment styles are associated with less adaptive ways of entering into relationships.


attachment styles; perfectionism; interpersonal relationships; types of entering into interpersonal relationships

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Date of publication: 2024-03-14 10:37:26
Date of submission: 2023-06-16 23:08:40


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