Vocational Education: The Current Problems and Post-War Prospects

Oleh Malyshevskyi


The article deals with the urgent issues of the vocational education development which are caused by the martial law in Ukraine.

They touch the migration processes of students and teachers at vocational education institutions, financing and educational process organization. The data of the contingent dynamics of the students and teachers at vocational education institutions have been analyzed. It proves the number reduction of the students by 3.5 to compare with the pre-war indexes. We fix the stable tendency for lowering the quantity of the teaching staff. Among the reasons for the described situation within the teachers, one may identify the lack of the desire for professional retraining and a low level of professional mobility. Based on the analytical data, the map of the ruined/destroyed vocational education institutions has been formed.

The analytical review provides the conditions to overcome the actual development issues of vocational education including systemic state support, recovery of the vocational education system and organization of an effectivenetwork of educational establishments, its re-orientation to the economic needs of war time, provision of the education content and quality which coincide with the current demands and the needs of labor market, formation of safe conditions for studying and learning, arrangement of psychological support of all educational process participants, stimulation and encouragement to realize non-linear paths of professional development of the teachers considering the present realties, involving higher informal and informative education.


vocational education; teaching staff; students contingent; financing; strategical directions of development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2023.36.3.41-51
Date of publication: 2023-12-08 14:38:34
Date of submission: 2023-06-23 12:00:06


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