Engineering Pedagogy as the Theoretical Basis of Training Engineers

Nadiya Tymkiv, Neonila Kryvtsun


The origin and development of engineering pedagogy as a subdiscipline of pedagogy in Ukraine and in foreign countries is analyzed. The outstanding role of the founder of IGIP Professor Adolf Melecinek in the processes of formation of an international scientific school of engineering pedagogy and creation of conditions for professional-pedagogical and psychological training of teachers of technical disciplines as a factor in training competitive engineers is discussed. The essence, content and structure of professional training of future engineers with the aim of forming professional competences are highlighted. The features of the cognitive and practical activities of future engineers are revealed. The components and conditions for increasing the efficiency of the formation of the engineer’s professional competence and his readiness have been determined. Particular attention is given to the quality of academic teaching is decisively determined by the qualifications and competencies of the teaching staff, which also include university pedagogical capabilities. Therefore, it has been substantiated that with the growing environment and consciousness of “outcome-based education”, the importance of engineering pedagogy has increased manifold.


engineering education; engineering pedagogy; International society for engineering pedagogy (IGIP); IGIP accreditation criteria; professional competences; human resources; qualification; training; internationalization of knowledge

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Date of publication: 2023-12-08 14:38:40
Date of submission: 2023-06-23 13:16:50


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