Cooperation of the University of Opole with Scientific and Educational Units of Ukraine in the States of Emergency: A Practical Dimension

Fabian Andruszkiewicz, Iryna Slipukhina, Yevhenii Shapovalov


The Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation at the University of Opole has a long history, which has acquired new meanings in the conditions of pandemic and military threats. The restrictions resulting from ministerial regulations caused by the COVID-19 emergency, and the subsequent attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, significantly inhibited the ongoing scientific activities between the nations of Poland and Ukraine; however, thanks to people firmly committed to the good of science, it was possible to maintain this cooperation to a certain extent by its substantial relocation to a virtual platform. Among other scientific units, such a situation occurred, at the University of Opole.For example, at its Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology scientific and research events were organised with the full involvement of researchers, doctoral students, and students of both parties. The scientific internships of representatives from both countries have taken place and resulted in joint work expressed in publications, speeches at conferences and seminars. The given examples of international activities of the University of Opole demonstrate stability and adaptability of Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation while the society suffers from the crysis conditions.


Uniwersytet Opolski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Przyrodniczo Techniczny, współpraca polsko-ukraińska, stan zagrożenia.

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Date of publication: 2023-12-08 14:38:49
Date of submission: 2023-07-11 06:31:18


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