What Do Poles Fear in Old Age and How Do They Plan to Organize This Phase of Their Life?

Monika Adamczyk


Analysing ageing, fears associated with this phase of life are important research subject. In this context, the following research questions seem to be crucial: What is awareness of the necessity to prepare for this phase of life in terms of planned coping strategies in difficult situations? What strategies of organizing life in old age are the most popular among adult Poles? Do representatives of different age groups differ in this respect and do they have different fears related to old age? This article attempts to answer these questions related to planning for old age. The analyses presented in the text are based on empirical research carried out by means of a diagnostic survey (face-to-face interviews) using a computer-assisted interview questionnaire technique. CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interview) interviews were conducted in respondents’ homes on a nationwide random sample of households – 1,006 Poles aged 15 and over. The sampling frame was the PESEL number. The collected data show that, regardless of age, adult Poles strongly prefer strategies for organizing their life in old age based on staying in their own home and using a natural support system based on the primary network, i.e. ties with children, spouse and extended family.


ageing; fears; old age; planning for old age; strategies of organizing life in old age

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2024.37.1.19-32
Date of publication: 2024-06-27 07:56:22
Date of submission: 2023-07-27 19:17:19


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