Three Ways to Read Dąbrowski’s Theory. It Is Not All Flat Here. Constructing a Neo-Dąbrowskian Approach

Dominik Chojnowski


This article analyzes Dąbrowski’s theory of positive disintegration referring to current debates in the USA which discussed certain parts of the theory (e.g. overexcitabilities) and neglected others (e.g. dynamisms). This approach caused simplification of the theoretical framework proposed by Dąbrowski and inscribed it into the narrow quantitative understanding of science. Lastly, Piechowski proposed to significantly modify Dąbrowski’s theory and to even discard the two lowest levels of development in theory. This caused a reaction by Tillier and Mendaglio who tried to defend the original concepts of the author of the theory. This article juxtaposed these two interpretations of the theory and shows a third possible interpretation based on English and Polish texts written by Dąbrowski. This interpretation solved problems present in the previously mentioned approaches to the theory and shows the way forward into more systematized theoretical research which is seriously needed if we want to further develop theory and its main notions.


positive disintegration; dynamisms; psychic energy; developmental potential; primary integration; primitive integration; unilevel disintegration

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Date of publication: 2024-03-14 10:37:28
Date of submission: 2023-10-31 21:16:51


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