Stressors, Difficult Situations and Their Relationship with Emotional and Habitual Overeating and Its Consequences in a Group of Truck Drivers

Aleksandra Łuczak


Truck drivers are one of the professional groups that due to the nature of their work is particularly exposed to numerous risks and difficult situations. At the same time it is one of professional groups, in which the level of overweight and obesity is very high in comparison with the rest of society, what can be caused by both: habitual and emotional overeating. The aim of the study was to examine and describe the stressors and difficult situations in the work of truck drivers and their relationship with emotional and habitual consumption of excessive amounts of food. A group of subjects consisted of 250 drivers (M=42, SD=19). The study was conducted at car parks located near to the major roads of Poland in the time off from work – usually in the intervals between successive passes. The results indicate that in a group of truck drivers habitual eating is more frequent than emotional overeating. Habitual consumption of excessive amounts of food is strongly associated with the occurrence of excessive weight gain in this occupational group.


truck drivers; emotional overeating; habitual overeating; stress; difficult situations

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Date of publication: 2017-06-28 11:27:40
Date of submission: 2016-04-24 09:56:13


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