The Locus of Control and Coping with Stress in Women with Anorexia Nervosa – Preliminary Research

Anna Wiatrowska


The study aimed at searching for the relationship between the locus of control and coping with stress in women with anorexia nervosa. The results of 72 women, including 26 ones suffering from anorexia and 46 healthy ones, constituting the control group, were analysed. In the study, the Delta Questionnaire for sense-of-control assessments by Drwal was used alongside the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) by Endler and Parker. Women with anorexia nervosa are different from healthy ones in that their external locus of control is significantly stronger. When coping with stress, women with anorexia nervosa use the emotional style significantly more frequently than healthy ones, whereas they use the task-oriented style and the avoiding style in the form of seeking support from other people significantly less frequently. In the group of women with anorexia, the external locus of control correlates positively with the emotional style and the avoiding style in the form of undertaking substitutive activities, and it correlates negatively with the lie scale. The results can constitute the basis for further analyses aiming at searching for interrelations between the locus of control and other dimensions of the psychosocial functioning of women with eating disorders.


locus of control; coping with stress; anorexia nervosa

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Date of publication: 2018-01-17 10:12:15
Date of submission: 2017-08-04 23:29:16


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