Self-esteem and a Sense of Loneliness and Life Satisfaction for Residents of Social Welfare Homes

Aleksander Herman, Paweł Ciszek, Mateusz Gortat


In this paper we examine the subject of the influence of self-esteem and the feeling of loneliness on the satisfaction with life of residents of social welfare homes. The level of satisfaction with life is closely connected to one’s self-esteem. The higher positive perception of oneself, the higher satisfaction with life, and vice versa. The feeling of loneliness among the residents of round-the-clock nursing facilities is an important indicator for actions aimed at the reduction loneliness.


self-esteem; loneliness; satisfaction with life

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Date of publication: 2018-07-05 08:06:19
Date of submission: 2018-02-27 20:15:18


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Copyright (c) 2018 Aleksander Herman, Paweł Ciszek, Mateusz Gortat

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