Relationships with Parents and Motives for Being in a Relationship. Analysis and Interpretation of Monologues of People Growing Up in a Family with an Alcohol Problem

Dariusz Kuncewicz, Paulina Kardel


The study involved people who were brought up in families with an alcohol problem. The aim of the study was to identify key themes of the narrations about their relationships with parents during adolescence and to explore the links between these narrations and the narrations about their motives for being in a relationship. Seven people (four women and three men) living in a civil partnership participated in this qualitative study. The respondents were asked to deliver a monologue about their relationship with parents during adolescence and their motives for being in a relationship with their partners. The transcripts of their utterances were analyzed and interpreted using the procedure for isolating hidden stories from monologues (Kuncewicz et al. 2016). The repeatable results indicate skipping or superficial treatment of adolescence, family traumas, poor or broken ties with parents, deep involvement in family affairs and neglecting or attaching minor importance to the problem of addiction. Six statements about the participants’ motives for being with their partners revealed attempts to change the patterns of their relationship with the parent or parents. Two monologues clearly demonstrated that these patterns were followed in a reflective or unreflective manner.


family with an alcohol problem; ACoA; narrations; civil partnership

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Date of publication: 2018-07-05 08:06:16
Date of submission: 2018-03-15 09:16:33


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